3 min readFeb 26, 2022


Butterfly effect— Mental Health

The butterfly effect is a powerful and tactical concept that’s applied in science, technology, business, and economics. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

Foreword: The context of the contents of the below can be constantly turning proof of the point. Please be patient till the end & TW.

Source: Internet

The sad truth is suffering from the deceased (most likely the famous) often throws light on common human struggles and suffering that’s been blind-sided during the course of cultural evolution.

Now, the elements such as toxic work culture, cyber bullying, labelling were already addressed by many with more than million mentions over the internet. However, there is another blind spot to this story — Discrediting/paying deaf ear to struggles until adversities.

Explaining the Butterfly effect:

The risk of mishandling the moral justice between the alive and the dead is that the bias can be misunderstood by few minds as battling a struggle till death is not different from battling a struggle by death. The risk continues to create adversities if not being heard when in need. For many of us who struggle with the meaning and purpose of life at even far beyond the minimum adult age, it is unfair to expect to be practical, especially the young curious minds. Deriving from the animal kingdom, humans still carry the usual instincts of trust and attention. Except, the higher IQ, unfortunately, tips off the situation into a spiritual or a moral obligation to the self to take an action. This is why counting on every single opportunity to be kind matters to make the world a better place because some way, somewhere, to someone else, the results of our actions are reflected.

As we already speak of mental health these days, we should also talk about suicide, its roots, and its perception. It is not a foreign concept if we can apply the butterfly effect here. I wanted to share this analogy since a lot of adults shared thoughts of never understanding suicide or believing suicide as a degrading act. It breaks a beautiful process of life. It makes struggle go unnoticed leaving no purpose-met. The sensitivity of the subject makes it difficult to be a topic of discussion and often difficult to deal with it. But it is not unnatural to the human mind and it is not uncommon to overcome it. When a fellow or a self is met with such an idea, we can embrace the situation to lay down a brick to overcome it.

If only each funeral made all of us kinder, we would all relate to a sensible and sensitive kid in kindergarten. We are built differently, as a compound result of life experiences. There is no shame in going through pain. There is no shame in acknowledging the pain. Nobody deserves to go through psychological pain matching to the pain of death and if anything causes so, it is not truly worth it. And don’t wait to detach or battle till the adversity occurs. I guess, ‘don’t wait to help and serve till the adversity’ goes without saying.




Writing anything that makes sense. Often what I would tell my younger self or a friend who is in need. Maybe, it’s you today.